Saturday night we went to the ASU vs UNLV football game. Sadly, we played really bad and lost. All these pictures were taken before we started losing, so everyone is very happy, then we took a turn for the worst. The guys took the loss pretty bad. So here is a pic of Zach, Kim, Unknown, Kevin, and me! lol, This woman talked to Kevin and Zach the WHOLE game. She knew NOTHING about football. She was only there because her daughter is a cheerleader. She was very nice, but insisted being in a couple of our pictures, lol.
Here is Sparky trying to keep our spirits up...
So this woman sitting in front of me turned around and asked if I have read the "twilight" series? I was like "YES! I'm on the 4th book!" Then she pointed to Kevin, not knowing we were together, and said "I think that guy (Kevin) looks JUST like what I picture Edward to look like...I started cracking up! I was like, yeah he's with me. lol! She was so embarrassed and kinda star struck at the same time! It was so funny, I guess I never thought of it but he kinda

This is Dave and Tracy. Dave works with Kevin. They were so much fun to hang out with. I am really glad they came!!!!
The girls
GO ASU!!!!
I watched the first part of the game...ya know the part where ASU was ahead...and well I couldn't stay awake long enough to watch the second half. Ronnie took the loss pretty hard too. When will the guys learn...IT'S JUST A GAME! LOL
Oh my gosh I never thought of it but I can totally see Kevin as Edward. =) haha... too bad he isn't an actor. =) And ya... my husband was pretty pissed about the game too- he was sulking around all day yesterday.
Hope you guys are doing great!
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